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Set 1+1 Booster Box

Set 1+1 Booster Box

Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
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Set 1+1 is Little Troubles' second set! We had so many cool cards from Base Set that we couldn't fit, we decided to make it again, so Set 1, PLUS 1! Set 1+1 features a brand new card type, Toys! Toys are sort of like Action cards, but permanently in play. They'll cost a little more than juts playing an action but you'll have access to their effect far more frequently than one and done. Plus, who the heck doesn't want more toys in their life?

A Set 1+1 Booster Box Features 25 sealed booster packs:

24 Regular Booster Packs:

Regular booster packs feature 8 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare, and 1 foil card in every pack.

and 1 Premium Booster Pack:

Premium booster packs contain SIX Alternate Art cards,1 regular Rare or Exceptional Rare card, TWO Alternate Art foils, and one Rare or Exceptional Rare foil

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